Beats Per Minute – The heart rate, measured in beats per minute, is the number of heartbeats during one minute. Runners typically have a target BPM in order to get the most out of each workout.
Did Not Finish – This acronym is found in race results in which a runner began the race but did not complete it due to an emergency or injury. Runners feeling badly about not finishing can take consolation that DNF happens often enough to earn its own acronym.
Half-Marathon Pace – This acronym refers to the effort or pace you anticipate for your half-marathon race. The pace should be challenging but sustainable for 75-120 minutes.
Personal Best – A runner generally keeps track of the distance covered and the time it took them to run it. That establishes your personal best from which you can work on to do better…and better.
Scheduled Rest Day – These are recovery days included in a runner’s training schedule to prevent over-training and allow the body to repair and recover.